Once in Athens - walls like x-ray plates

the walls of the old city capture the souls of their occupants like x-ray plates...


Once in Athens - the signs of the ruins

the ruins remind us that we do not live in a stable or safe world, yesterday the horror was here but today it is some miles away.

By The Athenian Explorer 

Once in Athens - glorious walls

The walls of Athens may be faded and weathered by time, but the spirit of the Athenian who -unfortunately- no longer lives here stands tall and beautiful

the auction of our moments

In every moment we live there is an auction between the messages "bidding" for exposure to our insatiable eyes in front of a screen.  

However, the remarkable thing is that we live in the era of selfishness and impressions so that some people can gain a little more publicity or a few extra benefits that burst like bubbles in the next moment.

So people,  you should  live moments that beat the illusory and pointless time or sculpt something useful that will add value to tomorrow and don't  forget to save yourself from this bottomless time value exchange. 

Strange Colour Gray

Strange colour gray #summertime